Living in the Unknown

Would you pray for baby Nora? Friends who are also facing the unknown with their baby girl. Love you all!

And She Lived Happily Ever After


Tyler and I were settled in the living room, Nora peacefully sleeping on her daddy’s chest. Nora’s toys and blankies were scattered about the floor. There was a pile of laundry in the corner and stack of papers on the coffee table before us. I was sitting quietly, locked deep in thought.

I looked at Tyler.

“Not a day goes by that I don’t think about Nora’s future.”

Tyler looked at me.

“I know Jess, we have a lot of unknowns right now.”

His reply was an echo of what we heard in the hospital a few weeks ago…

The Neurologist had stood over Nora’s ICU crib, our family and a few nurses huddled around the room. The neurologist had explained the spectrum of possibilities for Nora’s developmental future based on her brain structure…

“Worst case scenario, Nora is wheelchair bound, able to recognize faces, but unable to speak. Best…

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