Home Sweet Home

We are back home after 2 long weeks! Blake and I feel excited to settle into our own bed and sad to leave the Yerkovich recovery center! What’s not to love about grandma, grandpa, laundry service, yummy meals, great company and lots of laughs. Blake said, “Did you know the neighbors are moving? We should buy their house and live next door!” I said, “You are in the top .01% of son-in-laws who feel that way.” What a blessing. We thanked my parents abundantly for diving into the trenches with us these past 2 weeks. We feel so blessed that going home is a relief and comfort. We realize that’s a blessing and gift.

We feel so humbled and grateful to have a healthy, happy baby at home. I can’t stop thinking of all the families that are still there…away from home, beeping heart machines, late night tears, hospital smells, cafeteria food (which actually wasn’t bad- Go CHOC!), hurting children, separated families. Today I took Brayden for a walk outside and showed him all the flowers. You miss the outdoors when you’re at a hospital (and we were there only 2 days!). I wonder how many kids miss the warm sunshine, the gentle breeze, fresh air and vibrant colors. I wonder how many kids won’t get to come home like Brayden did. As we drove to our first appointment with Dr. Muhonen, we exited the freeway and followed the “Children’s Hospital” signs. I cried. These two words just shouldn’t go together. 

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. My optimism, then, does not rest on the absence of evil, but on a glad belief in the preponderance of good and a willing effort always to cooperate with the good, that it may prevail.” – Helen Keller

One of my prayers and biggest fears going into this was that the pain would break Brayden’s cheerful spirit. As he smiled at me today, I thought, “I think he’s even happier than before.” Then I remembered my prayer. I thank God for his miraculous hand and outstretched arm that saves and preserves my sweet baby.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up, His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

4 thoughts on “Home Sweet Home

  1. Blake & Kelly
    We have been following this adventure in faith with you and Brayden and while there have been many areas the two of you have shown amazing faith and trust in the God of the universe, what inspires me is how this has truly been a team effort. First the two of you showed amazing teamwork as Blake shared with all the messiness and long hours, and being a man I know this is not naturally a man thing. Second we commend Milan & Kay for stepping up and offering their own home to share the messiness. I sometimes think that God allows trials in our lives not only to grow and mature our faith according to James, but also to show us the faith that has already grown in our spirits. Thank you for allowing us a peek into the Lund/Yerk clans and the character He is growing and showing in all of you.
    Blessings, Mike Cole (a HWL’er)

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